We are a specialist value creation search firm.

Greco Advisors was created to build a unified and consistent offering with our Private Equity clients - the pace and dexterity of interim management solutions, with the precision, rigour and expertise of boutique search.

Our focus is on building Portfolio Operations teams within PE funds and then supporting those teams by providing access to a network of permanent senior executives and an ecosystem of interim managers and independent consultants. This ecosystem is designed to deliver value creation at scale, and provide flexible and immediate capacity to grow, transform or right size portfolio companies. 

Executive Search

Our executive search function specialises in building Portfolio Operations teams for Private Equity funds. We passionately believe that search firms add most value to their clients when they dedicate themselves to a niche, and become part of that ecosystem. Our commitment is to bring genuine expertise, an extensive network and an honest approach to everything we do, resulting in the best possible service for our clients and candidates. 

Our search practice dovetails with our interim management team in that our placements are the interim management team’s clients, allowing for a deeper relationship, and letting Greco Advisors create more value for Private Equity Operating Partners and their portfolio.

Within Portfolio Operations we specialise in the below areas and are building out further functional specialisms all the time: 

  • Generalists (ex-consulting profiles)

  • Growth and Go-to-market

  • Data Science 

  • People & Talent

  • Finance/M&A

Interim and Independent

Whether you are looking for short-term strategic guidance, leadership of a large transformation, an impetus to growth, or specific subject matter expertise, our extensive global network of high calibre and impactful independent consultants and interim managers can deliver. Subject matter expertise covering:

  • Commercial and GTM

  • Data and Analytics

  • Strategy and Transformation

  • Technology

  • M&A and Finance

  • Operations, Supply Chain and Procurement 

  • Digital 

  • People, Talent and HR

  • Chair, NED and Operating Advisors